Resolving the Ownership Issue

The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in
it; for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters
(Psalm 24:1,2).

As Christian business people, we are called by God to view all that we have
as not our own. We are to be stewards of all that he entrusts to us. This is
one of the hardest of all commandments to follow for the Christian
businessperson. Because if we work hard at business, we receive all the
benefits of that work. It appears as though all that we have achieved was
through our hand. Yet, God says that it is by His hand that we are able to
make wealth (Dt. 8). He is the source of that ability. As soon as we become
owners and not managers we fall into trouble with God.

Joseph understood that he was a steward of all the resources of Egypt. God
promoted him to affect an entire region of the world. He had the most power,
prestige, and wealth for any thirty year old who ever lived before him. The
temptation for him in this newfound role in life must have been great. There
has been many a man who has not been able to handle material success. Many
of God’s choicest servants began well in their calling and service to God
only to fail at the end. Consider Hezekiah, the great king who achieved many
great things but failed to acknowledge God’s blessing at the end of his
reign. His reign was cut short and was not passed down to his family line
because of pride.

“Not every man can carry a full cup. Sudden elevation frequently leads to
pride and a fall. The most exacting test of all to survive is prosperity.”
Oswald Chambers.

Ask the Lord today if you are living as a steward versus an owner. Put
whatever skills and resources you possess on His altar. Then, you can expect
God to do great things through you.